At 100 Dollars Today, we are on a mission to connect you with a generous company committed to giving away money to individuals like yourself.
We believe in a world where financial assistance is accessible to all, empowering you to overcome challenges, cover bills, handle emergencies, or simply treat yourself without the financial stress.
Why We Do It
Look at the stats below. You tell me. Could people use a little financial relief? The entire purpose of this site is to help you get money from a company that's giving away up to $10,000 per individual or up to $20,000 per couple. You don't have to buy or sell anything to get the money. Once you see how easy it is to get, you'll want to tell everyone you know.
About 25% of Americans have no emergency savings at all
Nearly 40% of American households can't cover a $400 emergency
59% of Americans report money as a significant source of stress
Join The Movement
You don't have to stress about where you're going to get the money for a bill or for something you've been wanting to buy. We've found a company that'll give you up to $10,000 for free. There's nothing to buy and nothing to sell. Could you use an extra $100, $300 or more today? If so, it's there and all you have to do is go get it.
You could have the money less than an hour from now.
That's the number of Americans that have less than $1,000 in emergency savings while 34% of all Americans have $0 in savings. The video below shows you how to get emergency money when you need it and it takes less than 30 minutes to get.